
Faculty Spotlight

Kristin Comeforo (left) and Mala Matacin (right).

Please join co-editors Professors Kristin Comeforo and Mala Matacin for a celebration of their publication of bell hooks Engaged Pedagogy for the 21st Century Classroom: Radical Spaces of Possibility. bell hooks—feminist scholar, teacher, activist—implored instructors to see the classroom as a “radical space of possibility” where students and teachers work as partners in the pursuit of education as “collective liberation” from structures of domination. The goal of this collection is to carry forth hooks’ legacy of education as freedom and to serve as a guide that renews faith that “teaching to transgress” racist, sexist, and classist systems of oppression is not only possible, but is a first step in transforming the world.

  • Kristin Comeforo is an associate professor and graduate program director in the School of Communication. 
  • Mala Matacin is a professor in the Department of Psychology where she seves as the co-chair and director of the undergraduate program.

Event Details:

  • Friday, April 5
  • 2:30 p.m. – 4 p.m.
  • Creative Technology Space (lower lower of the library)
  • RSVP here

Interested in showcasing your work? Reach out to Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs and Research, Jessica Nicklin, at